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Nexgen Marketing posted on January 15, 2020

Are you a retail chain with multiple store locations? How do you plan your merchandising strategies for multiple stores with thousands of items? How do you make sure?that all the stores at multiple locations?are in one accord with your company’s merchandising and promotional strategies?? 


Planogram is a visual merchandising tool that helps you to plan the placement of products on your shelf space.  The placement of merchandise influences the buying decisions of shoppers. So planogramming the right merchandising strategies is definitely an essential step that decides the growth rate of your foot traffic and sales.  


Why do you need to share your planograms online? 

Any plan is ineffective until implemented. The same holds true for planograms too. Imagine you are a retail chain with stores across multiple locations and you have created your merchandising strategies using planogram. How do you ensure that?all your stores in multiple locations are?in sync with?company’s strategic merchandising plans?  

Yes, the sales, marketing and execution staff must implement the exact planogram design you have created. For that, you need to share the planograms with multiple teams in multiple locations. The team members may be using different devices and browsers. The execution staff especially may find it easier to have the planogram design handy on his mobile device rather than tied up to a desktop. Yes, you need to share your planograms and the planograms should to be accessible at multiple devices and browsers. 



Sharing the planogram designs effectively is one of the bottlenecks companies face in implementation and compliance. When you share your planogram designs with multiple teams, don’t you think it is highly essential to make sure that your planograms are not misused or tampered at any stage? What if the execution staff doesn’t understand the importance of your designs, makes his/her own changes and you never even come to know about it?  How do you ensure such security to your planograms? You need to have complete control over who has access to your planograms and you should be able to track it. Right?   

You may also require to make changes to your planogram designs according to the market changes. How do your teams communicate the required changes with you? Do they make changes using photoshop or similar platforms and send it back to you? And you make the changes accordingly in your planogram platform later and send it back to them? 

How much time do you think is spent on the process? Don’t you think if you could share the planograms using the same platform to the required team members and they could make edits in the same platform itself, it could make the process a lot easier and fast? What if you could also decide whom you should give edit permission and share a non-editable read-only planogram to the rest of the team which they can access in their browser? What if you could also decide the time period of the link? Don’t you think a complete control over your planograms and its implementation workflow can make the process a lot more transparent, simple and secure? 



One of our clients, a Dutch multinational group has more than 12,750 stores in 48 countries. The category management team of the company faced challenges until recently while trying to share their planograms with their marketing and execution teams.  

In the past, their category management team shared PDF and image files of their planogram designs to their marketing and execution team. The team members would edit the planograms according to the shelf space compliance and market changes using photoshop, paint and other native applications and include their suggestions.  The modified planograms are sent back to the category management team for approval. The category management team analyses the changes and may or may not approve of them. 

They realized their workflow involved many disconnected steps, was time-consuming and error-prone. They wanted an easier and quick solution. 

Sharing Planograms Online Using Nexgen POG 

Nexgen POG, an easy-to-use and cost-effective cloud-based planogram software was their best fit solution for their business challenge.  The category management team of the Dutch company can now share their planograms online instantly using the same platform. The category management team could give edit permissions to the selected members. The members who have edit permission could easily make suggestions and changes on the platform and send for via the same platform. They could also generate non-editable read-only planogram links with a definite time period and send them to the rest of the team for precise implementation. Nexgen POG was able to make the entire process more manageable, fast, cost-effective, simple and error-free. 



Nexgen POG also has a compliance management feature that provides an effective way to ensure shelf level compliance. Using the compliance feature, the sales and execution teams can raise compliance tickets to track shelf level nonconformance to the corresponding planogram. The tickets allow you to attach specific shelves and products that are out of compliance. The administrators can review and monitor all compliance tickets and participate in the resolution process.  

With Nexgen POG, you can now easily design, share and ensure error-free and fast implementation and compliance. 

Nexgen POG ensures secure and hassle-free planogramming. Try Nexgen POG for free.  





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