Nexgen Marketing posted on August 30, 2019

There are large number of retailers in different categories based on the size of the product range & volume handled. Different tiers of retailers include:

  • First Tier: Upscale, high fashion chains with exclusive designer merchandise and excellent customer service with sales greater than $ 1bn.
  • Second Tier: Retailers sell more modestly priced merchandise with less customer service with sales between $100mn and $1bn.
  • Third Tier: Value oriented caters to more price conscious customer with sales less than $100mn.

 Irrespective of the size of the retailers visual merchandising is a must to ensure to improve sales volume. Planograms are designed to plan product arrangement in the store’s shelf space as a part of the visual merchandising efforts. Planograms can be designed with the help of a planogramming software.

But, Is it necessary to use a planogram software?

 Some retailers may wonder why they should use a planogram software. There can be several barriers that force retailers to think this way. The retailers tend to be reluctant to use a planogram software because of the following barriers.

  • Cost

The retailers will be uncertain about the software’s worth compared to the cost paid for it. If you invest in a planogram software there is a possibility that the software is not suitable for you, this could result in losing the money invested in the software. The users may be discouraged to use planogram software because of the high price.

  • Complexity

If you are purchasing a complex planogram software, it can be confusing to operate. Most of the features in a complex planogram software could be unusable to users who are not specially trained.

  • Resource limitation

Another problem that possibly prevents the retailer to use is the need to recruit an experienced resource and overheads caused by this. For designing the planogram on a complex planogram software require a well-trained planogrammer in the category management team.   

So, for a first-time user to select a planogram software following are best options:

  • Flexible Cost

Rather than using a planogram software with annual licencing, the best option may be to select a planogram software with monthly licencing model. This may enable the user to stop using the planogram software if they are not comfortable with it.

  • Easy to use

To start with a planogram software, you should choose one which contain the basic minimal features to avoid confusion. Software with complex features like planogram analytics may not be relevant for first-time planogram software users, it could only cause confusion. A basic effective planogram software will be most desirable.

  • Zero overhead

Planogram software selected should be self-explanatory. The tools and options available in planogram software should be easy to understand and useful for novices. Software should be selected in such a way that the overheads such as resource personals should be avoided.

An easy planogram designing software is desirable in properly coordinating and communicating the planogram and managing its compliance. With easy planogram and cloud-based software, it will be convenient for multilevel employees to handle the creation, communication, execution, compliances management and updating planogram. 

Nexgen POG is an easy, powerful and affordable web-based planogram builder. This planogram software is easy to learn and use. It provides optimum, store-specific planograms that will increase product visibility and thereby boost your sales. 

Why wait anymore, Get your Free Trial Now! 




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