Nexgen Marketing posted on November 03, 2021

Improving beverage sales is a great way to drive sales at your stores or restaurants. Most guests order at least one drink, therefore, placing beverages at an eye level could encourage repeat orders. In a study, it has been found that 35% of total restaurant sales are from beverage accounts. Today, most retailer’s place beverage items on their shelves because it has a better profit margin than food items. As the beverage industry grows, one of the best techniques that stores can use to get the upper hand is shelf placement. Getting a sizable purchase order from your customer is congratulatory, but if your beverage items are not moving from the shelves, it causes a loss. Are your beverage items visible to the customer? Are they being placed, where your customer’s hands don’t usually reach out to? These are the questions you need to ask yourself before placing the products. Shelf placement can be done easily with the help of planogram software. Planogram is a visual merchandising tool, that is used for proper shelf planning and placement to improve retail sales. Visual merchandising helps to draw attention to products or introduce customers to what’s new, which can be a great boon to your business. So, the following are some planogram features for improving beverage sales:

  • Planogram helps manufacturers and retailers optimize the performance of retail shelf space to improve the store performance and drive customer attention.
  • It helps to place beverage items based on different categories including price, brand, type and more.
  • It helps to place products based on customer demand by analyzing the sales data, and this helps to improve sales.

Planogram Tips for Beverage Sales and Merchandising 

  • Include different display types: Often, beverage items require a mix of refrigerator, cooler, shelf and free-standing displays to stock products. Other than these, retailers can use counter displays, wing panels, cross-merchandising displays to creatively stock products. When, it comes to displaying beverage items, the retailer should understand their type, bottling format, closure method, and storage environment. For example, some soft drinks can deteriorate in quality in 90 days. Therefore, beverage items should be placed on shelf displays by understanding its type and product details.
  • Organize by category: Retailers can classify the products on a category basis. For example, a retailer can categorize soft drinks, beer and wine, cider under the category of ‘beverages.’ Retailers can categorize the beverage items on shelves depending on their brand and price to entice customers.
  • Pick a new wine or soft drinks to showcase each week: Retailers should focus on displaying new wine or soft drinks on shelves weekly. This will make shoppers purchase items and also increase sales.
  • Try a different tactic: Retailers can allocate shelves filled with beer and wine, while leaving one or two empty spots on the shelf empty. This will make it look like your beers are high demand and people are purchasing them. Also, a retailer can place discount labels or offers on shelves to drive in-store sales.

Overview of Nexgen POG 

Nexgen POG is a robust and user-friendly cloud-based visual merchandising tool. It is designed for quick and efficient planogramming with minimal efforts. Planograms can be designed by easily dragging and dropping the products. Multi-device compatibility feature of POG allows you to obtain, share and edit planogram on any device including your phone. It helps in designing store-specific planograms for increased product visibility and sales.

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